When we talk or sing, we generate a series of musical notes and chords that convey attributes of our personality, emotions, and our general wellbeing. Indeed, how many times have we asked a friend or colleague if they are okay because they "sound a bit flat"?
Nevertheless, we are oblivious to the vast amount of unknown information we communicate daily with our voice because it's underpinned by the programming of our subconscious mind.
Additionally, what we express emotionally through our voice has a profound effect on all of our relationships and interactions, and significantly, our own happiness and success in life.
Scientists have also discovered a direct correlation between our voices and our health - emotional and physical.
The good news is that not only do we now have the technology to identify our emotional imbalances via our voice, but we can correct them too - easily, effectively, and in as little as 10 minutes a day!
The Mayo Clinic has identified 'Vocal Biomarkers', which are distinct voice features that indicate numerous health conditions. Ultimately, they provide another layer of personal data to support our health care.
Dr. Charles Marmar of New York University Langone Medical Center concurs: “Voice samples are a rich source of information about a person’s health, and subtle vocal cues may indicate underlying medical conditions or gauge disease risk.”
And how could that be improved in only 10 minutes a day?
The AO Scan is a cutting-edge, non-invasive bioenergetic device that simultaneously analyses and treats for your optimum health and wellbeing, wherever you are in the world. Incidentally, the 'AO' stands for Alpha Omega, and this is certainly energy medicine at its most comprehensive and advanced.
One of the AO Scan's myriad functions is 'Inner-Voice', an intuitive electronic voice analyser.
It registers over 8,000 frequencies across 12 octaves of your voice to determine which emotions are affecting multiple organs and tissues in your body, as well as your general mood.
Of the twelve note frequencies analysed - C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, and B - the Inner-Voice Scan will identify the three notes (or octaves) that are excessively out of balance, as well as the one at the bottom of the range, which represents the emotion you are subconsciously trying to avoid or suppress.
Personalised balancing harmonics are then generated to rebalance your body and mind in as little as 10 minutes a day! Scroll down for more information.
Your voice is a powerful indicator of your emotional and physical health.
The American Medical Association (AMA) states that 80% of all health problems are stress related. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) add that 85% of all disease has an emotional element.
Ignoring the impact of stress and negative emotions communicated by the voice can jeopardise your health.
An Inner-Voice Scan will identify your emotional imbalances, and then generate personalised balancing harmonics to correct them in as little as 10 minutes a day!
'Balancing harmonics’ are essentially healing frequencies with a musical accompaniment.
They are generated by the Inner-Voice Scan following the analysis of your voice recording, and they are specific to your unique and individual needs.
Condensed into four audio tracks, each contains special music that incorporates radionics (frequencies akin to binaural beats), as well as other therapeutic tones and pulses. Some will cancel out the over-active frequencies derived from your emotions, and others will amplify the one that is most suppressed.
The goal is emotional balance, and ultimately, your overall health in body and mind.
Of note, you can reap the benefits of the balancing harmonics in as little as 5 minutes, morning and evening.
Your balancing harmonics can be enjoyed several times a day, if you so choose, and you can multi-task too – listen and walk, for example, meditate or clean the bathroom!
The link between music and our emotions is well established. A motion picture soundtrack, for example, is designed to help us understand the film’s message.
Talented composers skilfully manipulate our emotional response to what we hear by triggering our autonomic nervous system. Their artful manipulation can pull at our heart strings, bring us to tears, frighten us, or fill us with joy.
Music can also heal our emotions.
Book here via our sister site:
'The Life & Soul Doctor'
These are just some of the reported benefits of Inner-Voice:
The first step is to create your unique ‘energy signature’, for which I will need the following information:
"I am (your name)" — and then you talk about whatever you want in your normal voice, avoiding pauses and background noise. Many people just recite the alphabet!
DO NOT say “My name is...”
DO say: “I am...” as stated above.
Note that whilst some of the details required are ‘optional’, the more information you provide, the more precise your energy signature will be, and the more accurate your results.
Be assured that all your data will remain strictly confidential.
Please send your details via e-mail:
Or WhatsApp:
+44 (0)7956 848 002
Once your unique 'energy signature' has been created and your voice analysed, I will e-mail you the following:
No, but quality earphones are highly recommended.
Special colour-tinted optic lenses can be ordered to enhance your chromotherapy (colour therapy) experience, but this is not essential.
Inner-Voice Scan - Value Package
£250 for 4 weekly treatments
Special Notes Re: the Value Package
Your 12-second voice recording will need to be newly submitted on your designated day by 11 AM UK time each week for the four weeks.
In turn, you will receive a new set of results, chromotherapy, and balancing harmonics each week for the four-week programme.
Book here via our sister site:
'The Life & Soul Doctor'